I still listen to Alex Jones
Many moons back I told Alex Jones to eff off via my blog. I vowed never to listen to him again, ended my subscription to pp.tv and that was it, game over for him as far as I was concerned.
That was two years ago (wow, so long!) Yet I have been listening to him on and off now for a couple of months and am again funding him via pp.tv!
I realized this, just now reviewing my posts, basically I was asking myself if blogging truly was a good and fruitful use of my time, does anyone read my blog?! I know that its often a complete mess, a rant..but its hard to articulate my thoughts.
Anyway, why am I once again a listener, neigh..viewer of AJ?
I now honestly believe that Mr Jones believes what he says. Now, this doesn't make him the best man to be the "leader" of the "truth" movement, but it does mean that at least some of what he says, and some of the news he reads is valid. I kinda realized that once again my only source of news was from my fleeting glimpses of the 6'o clock news, and Christian radio, which tends to bottleneck what it reports in order to be "positive and encouraging".
So that's why I listen, I have no fear thanks to the Lord, therefore I dont lie awake at 6am worrying that I may get raided by the feds, nor do I fear what may happen on a global scale, whatever happens, I die..and when I wake up, this civilization is over anyway.
What truly matters is how we treat others, whether we reflect Christ, and have faith in what He did for us on the cross, and receive his promise of the resurrection. Most of the world is blind to the cross, and to the tomb. They think Christians are psychotic busybodies who want to spoil through fun..and I grant that some are.
However, many are more keyed in than through fun"new age truthers", and are willing to lay down their lives for the cause of freedom, and of course (always) to further the gospel.
Ah yes, the glorious gospel..what is it?
Don't worry, God's already sorted this mess out! Christ died, and rose again, and in that act of - what seems sheer madness - he destroyed death, restored life, and freed anyone who believes! In belief we obey God, and in obeying God we share freedom and love to others!
Love your neighbour as yourself
Do to others as you would have done to you.
If people just followed these two guidelines from the bible (with a healthy dose of loving God with all our heart, soul, mind, and strength of course) There would be no NWO, there would be no paedo rings, no luciferianism.
I think Alex misses these messages, he certainly isn't perfect. But he certainly tries his best to wake people up, in the only way he knows how. He should drop Icke as a guest, he should also drop the act of being a serious news reporter, we don't need another journalist..the world needs another Bill Cooper..I would have no problem with Alex replacing Bill, I don't think Bill would either. It wasn't Alex that Bill had a problem with, it was his sensationalism and fearmongering.
I do think Bill died that Alex could rise, do I think Alex was in on it..no.
Is he project mockingbird? Is he an insider? Honestly, I have no idea, probably not, regardless of what people say, there is little evidence. Statistically he resembles a radio talk show host who has put alot of money and effort into becoming an internet tv news host. His money comes from us not them, there's nothing he owns in that studio that I couldn't set up for myself for much cheaper..if I had the time and inclination. Lets face it, he runs his computers on linux! Does NBC run on ubuntu linux? Unlikely.
Alex screams that he built himself up. Despite errors he has made, if I remember correctly, Bill never said he was CIA, or worked for any othrt agency, now considering that Bill went on his show..he would have checked him out..
(If Bill did say he was CIA please correct me)
Alex DID lie about Bill, a big black mark against him here..why did he lie? This is so easy to check out, I have the interview..At some point I will upload it to YouTube. Bill is his usual cogent self. So either Alex is mistaken, lying, or a 5th dimensional lizard who drinks blood? Perhaps!
Whatever the case is, If Alex went on air and recanted this statement, the 40 years of research that Bill did could be used and shared.
We need to get perspective and realise that verifiable information should be shared, Bill had a mountain of data that is being left to dust because of lack of funds, why hasnt one of these wealthy truth leaders taken it upon themselves to fund through remaining HOTT team? I find it amazing that not one of these people has just thought to take up his mantle. Why are we not helping on another? THIS ISN'T A COMPETITION TO SEE WHICH IS THE GREATEST MODERN PROPHET!
Okay, I'm ranting.
To put it succinct, I listen to Alex because:
1.There's no one like him or better than him anymore.
2. I can't help but find myself nodding in agreement with him.
3. No matter what he says I can't be scared.
4. He's live, goes over the news, and has some good guests on from time to time.
5. He is magnificently entertaining, although he shouts his head off, I usually laugh, he sadly will never match Cooper for depth of research, wit, and just sheer humanity. Although Cooper and I share different theological opinions (especially about Paul having never heard the gospel, and Satan not being a physical fallen angel but human evil given a name). He did amaze me about the resurrection, and I had to adapt my theology because of his research, just as I had to change my entire beliefs about the illuminati, symbolism under the wealth of information and knowledge that is VERIFIABLE, and still taught by underground Christian youtubers who get hated and persecuted every day.
6. Alex started me off on my "journey", unlike Bill Cooper, or Chris White..Alex woke me up. without him I would never have found them, although I believe I would always have found Jesus, I am so glad it was this way. I love Bill, I love Chris, his videos nudged at my heart and that was it, I was sitting on my sofa talking to Yeshua the Messiah. But Alex started this journey. Thanks to a David Icke documentary with him in it, i find infowars and I entered the realm of metaphysical, spiritual, financial, political and never looked back.
So thank you Alex, but remember sir,
"test everything, hold fast to that which is good." 1Thess 5:21
That was two years ago (wow, so long!) Yet I have been listening to him on and off now for a couple of months and am again funding him via pp.tv!
I realized this, just now reviewing my posts, basically I was asking myself if blogging truly was a good and fruitful use of my time, does anyone read my blog?! I know that its often a complete mess, a rant..but its hard to articulate my thoughts.
Anyway, why am I once again a listener, neigh..viewer of AJ?
I now honestly believe that Mr Jones believes what he says. Now, this doesn't make him the best man to be the "leader" of the "truth" movement, but it does mean that at least some of what he says, and some of the news he reads is valid. I kinda realized that once again my only source of news was from my fleeting glimpses of the 6'o clock news, and Christian radio, which tends to bottleneck what it reports in order to be "positive and encouraging".
So that's why I listen, I have no fear thanks to the Lord, therefore I dont lie awake at 6am worrying that I may get raided by the feds, nor do I fear what may happen on a global scale, whatever happens, I die..and when I wake up, this civilization is over anyway.
What truly matters is how we treat others, whether we reflect Christ, and have faith in what He did for us on the cross, and receive his promise of the resurrection. Most of the world is blind to the cross, and to the tomb. They think Christians are psychotic busybodies who want to spoil through fun..and I grant that some are.
However, many are more keyed in than through fun"new age truthers", and are willing to lay down their lives for the cause of freedom, and of course (always) to further the gospel.
Ah yes, the glorious gospel..what is it?
Don't worry, God's already sorted this mess out! Christ died, and rose again, and in that act of - what seems sheer madness - he destroyed death, restored life, and freed anyone who believes! In belief we obey God, and in obeying God we share freedom and love to others!
Love your neighbour as yourself
Do to others as you would have done to you.
If people just followed these two guidelines from the bible (with a healthy dose of loving God with all our heart, soul, mind, and strength of course) There would be no NWO, there would be no paedo rings, no luciferianism.
I think Alex misses these messages, he certainly isn't perfect. But he certainly tries his best to wake people up, in the only way he knows how. He should drop Icke as a guest, he should also drop the act of being a serious news reporter, we don't need another journalist..the world needs another Bill Cooper..I would have no problem with Alex replacing Bill, I don't think Bill would either. It wasn't Alex that Bill had a problem with, it was his sensationalism and fearmongering.
I do think Bill died that Alex could rise, do I think Alex was in on it..no.
Is he project mockingbird? Is he an insider? Honestly, I have no idea, probably not, regardless of what people say, there is little evidence. Statistically he resembles a radio talk show host who has put alot of money and effort into becoming an internet tv news host. His money comes from us not them, there's nothing he owns in that studio that I couldn't set up for myself for much cheaper..if I had the time and inclination. Lets face it, he runs his computers on linux! Does NBC run on ubuntu linux? Unlikely.
Alex screams that he built himself up. Despite errors he has made, if I remember correctly, Bill never said he was CIA, or worked for any othrt agency, now considering that Bill went on his show..he would have checked him out..
(If Bill did say he was CIA please correct me)
Alex DID lie about Bill, a big black mark against him here..why did he lie? This is so easy to check out, I have the interview..At some point I will upload it to YouTube. Bill is his usual cogent self. So either Alex is mistaken, lying, or a 5th dimensional lizard who drinks blood? Perhaps!
Whatever the case is, If Alex went on air and recanted this statement, the 40 years of research that Bill did could be used and shared.
We need to get perspective and realise that verifiable information should be shared, Bill had a mountain of data that is being left to dust because of lack of funds, why hasnt one of these wealthy truth leaders taken it upon themselves to fund through remaining HOTT team? I find it amazing that not one of these people has just thought to take up his mantle. Why are we not helping on another? THIS ISN'T A COMPETITION TO SEE WHICH IS THE GREATEST MODERN PROPHET!
Okay, I'm ranting.
To put it succinct, I listen to Alex because:
1.There's no one like him or better than him anymore.
2. I can't help but find myself nodding in agreement with him.
3. No matter what he says I can't be scared.
4. He's live, goes over the news, and has some good guests on from time to time.
5. He is magnificently entertaining, although he shouts his head off, I usually laugh, he sadly will never match Cooper for depth of research, wit, and just sheer humanity. Although Cooper and I share different theological opinions (especially about Paul having never heard the gospel, and Satan not being a physical fallen angel but human evil given a name). He did amaze me about the resurrection, and I had to adapt my theology because of his research, just as I had to change my entire beliefs about the illuminati, symbolism under the wealth of information and knowledge that is VERIFIABLE, and still taught by underground Christian youtubers who get hated and persecuted every day.
6. Alex started me off on my "journey", unlike Bill Cooper, or Chris White..Alex woke me up. without him I would never have found them, although I believe I would always have found Jesus, I am so glad it was this way. I love Bill, I love Chris, his videos nudged at my heart and that was it, I was sitting on my sofa talking to Yeshua the Messiah. But Alex started this journey. Thanks to a David Icke documentary with him in it, i find infowars and I entered the realm of metaphysical, spiritual, financial, political and never looked back.
So thank you Alex, but remember sir,
"test everything, hold fast to that which is good." 1Thess 5:21