Stompk: Chemtrails In 1949. You've gotta see this!


IN 1949 the Herald-Journal reported on a curious case of acid rain.

"The plane let out a small cloud which soon grew into a large cloud, and then the tiny drops of rain began to fall,"
Tilghman, Md, (UP) - State Chemist Henry C. Freimuch absolved military aircraft of blame in the "acid rain" which plagued this island community for 2 days, burning holes in clothing and ruining the paint on cars.

Dr. Freimuch blamed the mystery mist on soft coal smoke, combined with moist air.

After analysing the acid-eaten paint of an automobile, Freimuch produced this explanation for the strange visitation: "Sulphur tri-oxide from very soft coal with a high sulphur content when combined with carbon particles and moist air forms a sulphuric acid which descended on Tighman."

Citizens of this Chesapeake Bay town, whose prinmciple industry is fishing, thought Freimuch's explanation a bit on the prosaic side. J. Harry Fairbanks of the fire department said that before each onslought of the Mist Friday and Thursday a plane had flown over the town.

"The plane let out a small cloud which soon grew into a large cloud, and then the tiny drops of rain began to fall," Fairbanks said.

Both Air Force and Navy officials denied, however, that any military aircraft had anything to do with Tilghman's searing rain.
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Bernard Vonnegut, Kurt Vonnegut's brother, was working on cloud seeding, at the same time, in the same area.

In 1945, Vonnegut went to work at the General Electric Research Laboratory in Schenectady, New York. It was there, on November 14, 1946, that he discovered that silver iodide could be used as a nucleating agent to seed clouds. Seeding clouds involves inserting large quantities of a nucleating agent into clouds to facilitate the formation of ice crystals. The intent of this process is to cause the clouds to produce rain or snow. Rain- and snow-making companies still use silver iodide as a nucleating agent in seeding clouds.

Kurt, who also worked at GE, was also friends with Irving Langmuir, who is known as the high priest of scientific rainmaking.

According to author Kurt Vonnegut, Langmuir was the inspiration for his fictional scientist Dr. Felix Hoenikker in the novel Cat's Cradle. The character's invention of ice-nine eventually destroyed the world. Langmuir had worked with Vonnegut's brother, Bernard Vonnegut

One might ask why General Electric would be interested in cloud seeding, Most of their electricity was being produced by hydroelectric dams, and they thought if they could cause it to rain more over the waterways feeding their dams, they could produce more electricity, and make MORE MONEY.

In 1950, Langmuir sounded the alarm.

Dr. Irving Langmuir, high priest of scientific rainmaking, sounded a solemn warning last week: those who sow too many rainstorms may reap nothing but droughts. Speaking at the School of Mines in drought-threatened New Mexico, Langmuir denounced the commercial rainmakers, many of them woefully ignorant of the art, who are seeding the atmosphere with silver iodide throughout the dry Southwest. "Some of them," he said, "are using hundreds of thousands of times too much. No more than one milligram [.000035 oz] of silver iodide should be used for every cubic mile of air.

Read more:

One can see the power of silver iodide in the air. One milligram for every cubic mile of atmosphere. Langmuir went on to give an even more sinister explanation.

After the experiments of G.E.’s Research Laboratory, there was a feeling that humanity might finally be able to control one of the greatest variables of life on earth. And, as Cold War tensions heightened, weather control was seen by the United States as a potential weapon that could be even more devastating than nuclear warfare.

Dr. Irving Langmuir, pioneer in “rainmaking,” said the government should seize on the phenomenon of weather control as it did on atomic energy when Albert Einstein told the late President Roosevelt in 1939 of the potential power of an atom-splitting weapon.

“In the amount of energy liberated, the effect of 30 milligrams of silver iodide [used to seed clouds] under optimum conditions equals that of one atomic bomb,” Langmuir said.

An Associated Press article by science reporter Frank Carey, which ran in the July 6, 1954 edition of Minnesota’s Brainerd Daily Dispatch, sought to explain why weather control would offer a unique strategic advantage to the United States:

It may someday be possible to cause torrents of rain over Russia by seeding clouds moving toward the Soviet Union.

Or it may be possible — if an opposite effect is desired — to cause destructive droughts which dry up food crops by “overseeding” those same clouds.

And fortunately for the United States, Russia could do little to retaliate because most weather moves from west to east.
CU of Boulder Colorado has been deeply involved in cloud seeding 'experiments.

“Essentially we cannot tell the difference between a snowflake that has come from a silver iodide crystal and a snowflake from a natural ice crystal”-Larry Hjermstad
Although there might be an increase in precipitation from tests, the tested snowfall might not even test positive for Silver Iodide in targeted areas, data is hard to quantify, making cloud seeding an arguable technique. Producing more snow in a warmer climate has many different outcomes in feedback loops that tie in snowmelt, warming temperatures, Pine Beetles, ice-albedo relations, and disrupting these could have more of an effect than anyone could imagine just like the burning of fossil fuels has shown.
Geoengineerists have been working to inject aerosols into the stratosphere to control tropospheric pollution. This warm cloud seeding technique would enhance cloud albedo. There are negative and positive effects to this in that acid rain can be created and the sulfur cycle would be disturbed, but increased cloud coverage would permit cooler temperatures

In 1990-1991, the US Air Force Academy published a document, which was a lab manual, called Chemtrails.
The manual includes an entire section on acid rain.
This is not made up. I know, because there are only two known examples of this document on microfiche, and I have the other one. I obtained it from the Alamosa University Library under and interlibrary loan. The librarian gave me the microfiche, saying I didn't have to return it. I have it in a safe place...I hadn't transferred it to pdf yet, so I was glad to see that another person had found a second copy, and it's available free in a pdf download on the chemtrailplanet website I linked too.
Silver Iodide is amazing, and, scary stuff. Langmuir estimated that 200lbs could cover the entire United Stated. Suspended in acetone, when burned off, 1 gram produces 600,000,000,000,000 (600 trillion) particles, each one capable of attracting a water molecule to it, and producing a raindrop. Problem is, Silver never disipates. Bury a silver spoon in the ground, it will still be there in 1000 yrs. It's highly toxic to aquatic environments, deadly to mammals and humans if inhaled in the nanoparticle form.

Silver concentrations in biota were greater in organisms near sewage outfalls, electroplating plants, mine wastes, and silver-iodide seeded areas than in conspecifics from more distant sites.
Precipitation, ng/L
From seeding clouds with silver iodide
Usually 10-300; Max. 4,500

From non-seeded clouds
Usually 0.0-20; Max. 216

Maximum concentrations of total silver recorded in field collections of living organisms (Table 5), in milligrams silver per kilogram dry weight, were 1.5 in liver of marine mammals, 2 in liver and 6 in bone of trout from ecosystems receiving precipitation from silver-iodide seeded clouds,.
Signs of chronic silver ion intoxication in tested birds and mammals included cardiac enlargement, vascular hypertension, hepatic necrosis, anemia, lowered immunological activity, altered membrane permeability, kidney pathology, enzyme inhibition, growth retardation, and a shortened life span (Smith and Carson 1977; Freeman 1979; Fowler and Nordberg 1986; PHS 1990).

When silver iodide, suspended in acetone, is burned, it is released in a white smoke.

So, I have shown that an aircraft would have to carry relatively little silver iodide to create massive chemtrails.
But how are they delivering it. Well, around 1997, this weird cone showed started showing up on aircraft engines.

When I was in the Navy, I was an aviation mechanic, worked on several types of jets. Never had I seen this hollow cone in the middle. They are introducing silver iodide into the exhaust plume through this hollow cone.
One other thing if you've read this far. Silver Iodide is produced by combining Potassium Iodide, and Silver Nitrate. Potassium Iodide, is the same thing given in Nuclear accidents to block the thyroid. We currently have a thyroid disease epidemic.

On a global scale, a staggering 200 million people have problems with their thyroid glands, with over 50 percent remaining undiagnosed. In the US alone, the instance of thyroid disease is running close to epidemic levels and equally as worrying is the number of un-diagnosed or mis-diagnosed case
When it functions as it should, the thyroid will produce T3 and T4 at a 20% – 80% ratio. An under-production of these hormones will slow down the body’s metabolism, causing Hypothyroidism. Common symptoms of this condition are weight-gain despite eating sensibly, feeling cold, fatigue, depression and possibly increased blood pressure and cholesterol levels.

What is known to cause major thyroid problems??

Heavy metal poisoning (as with mercury, lead, arsenic, and cadmium) of the thyroid can also lead to hypothyroidism; chemicals and pesticides can also be a factor.

Silver, is a heavy metal! So, are American just lazy, and getting fat on eating too many cheeseburgers, or are we being poisoned, with thyroid gland blocking chemicals. I suggest if you've read this far, and don't choose the latter, you might be working for the man.


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